The electronic cigarette is a non-flammable electronic cigarette, also known as the "vape." It consists of housing, cigarette holder, dust filter, spice boxes, light-emitting diodes, power supplies, breathing apparatus components. It does not burn, just containing the purified nicotine, tar-free,does not contain other chemical substances causing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases tobacco cigarette contain , eliminating other carcinogens conventional cigarette inherent in. Its efficacy is similar to tobacco cigarettes, which is to refresh to meet the cravings, so that smokers have a sense of euphoria and relaxation, while a smoking cessation effect.
The essential difference between "electronic cigarette" and tobacco cigarettes are:
It does not contain harmful tar and carcinogenic substances;
Do not burn, no variety of harmful chemicals produced by combustion;
There is no "passive smoking" harm caused to others and environmental pollution;
No fire hazards, can be used wherever ban the fire and smoking.
No poison, no fire, no pollution, is a good substitute for cigarettes.
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